If you are going to be billing the same CPT/HCPCS code to multiple patients, there is an easy way to do it in TotalMD. Here is a link to creating the Mass Charge entries and below are instructions.
From the Home screen go to Activities>Mass Charge Entry:
You will then see the Mass Charge Entry screen:
The first step is to make sure you have the right date on the screen. If you are not billing for today, you will want to change it:
You will then add the CPT/HCPCS code you wish to bill along with the Modifiers and the Units:
If you are pulling from the Fee Schedule in the patents’ billing, you can leave the Fee Schedule button clicked. If you want to assign another value to it, you will click the Other button:
If you are going to use the Provider in the patients; billing, you will leave Patient Assigned clicked. If you are assigning a specific provider for this set of charges, click the other button and choose the correct provider from the drop down menu:
If you are going to use the diagnosis codes from the patients’ billing, leave the diagnoses blank. If you are wanting to use the same diagnoses for ALL patients, you will add them in the Mass Charge Entry:
You can then access your patients from one of two ways. The first is to click the Use Appointment List box and chose a date in the Scheduler to bring up all patients from a particular day in the Scheduler:
If you choose a patient from the list, you will then see the Line of Service in your screen:
If you are choosing patients from the appointment list, you will want to choose the date you wish to see and you can also sort them by different criteria such as time, provider and type of appointment:
You will then choose the patients from the Scheduler to which you want apply the code you have chosen:
By double-clicking the patient(s) on the left, the patient(s) will now appear in the right-hand panel:
You can now add additional diagnoses on the fly:
You can then change your CPT/HCPCS code and add more Lines of Service:
You can see that the last three patients have a different CPT code. Once you have added all the lines that you wish to add, you will either click Post All or Post and Close to post these charges:
The second way to add patients, after you have added all of the information at the top, is to go to the left and choose New Charge:
You can then find your patient by either, searching for the chart number in the open Chart Number box:
You can also click Search for Chart Number to the left:
And you will see the Patient Search screen:
You can also click New Chart Number to the left and get the Patient Information screen:
Once you have entered the information, you will return to the Mass Charge Entry and click Save and Close to the left and the system will populate the new patient with a new billing number to the screen.
You will then Post or Post and Close just as before. You will get the prompt to Post before closing:
If you have questions regarding this functionality of TotalMD, please contact our support or training departments at 800-613-7597 Option 2 for Support or Option 3 for Training. If you would like a printable copy of this article, please contact Training at Option 3.