When you have a paper EOB to be entered into TotalMD, there is a quick, easy way to do it. Logging into TotalMD you come into the Home Screen:
The first step is to go to the Ledger:
Then, choose the first patient on your EOB:
In the Ledger screen go to New Ins Payment/Adj to the left:
You will then see the Insurance Batch Payment Entry screen:
You will notice to the right that all insurances are listed. If the EOB is for the secondary or tertiary insurance, simply choose the correct insurance in the drop down box:
You will then fill in the Check Number and the Payment amount:
The next step is to Distribute to the left:
Then, find the line of service for that payment. Place the payment amount in the payment column:
The system will then show the remaining amount:
This amount will have write-off information on the EOB as to why it was not paid. To note this in the ledger, put the amount in the Adj Amount column:
Once you tab into the next field, you will see Adjustment Code/Reason to the left:
The Adjustment Reasons box will popup. Then you can do the drop down for category and make that choice:
You can then do the Reason Code drop down:
Once you have entered all of your adjustments, you will then see a $0 remainder:
Then, Post Payments to the left, or Post and Close if you wish to discontinue posting for the moment:
As this patient has secondary insurance, this message was received:
Answering “Yes” at this point will mark the primary insurance billed and prepare the claim to bill secondary. The Insurance Batch Payment Entry returns:
It will show you the Unapplied Amount that is left to post and the Distributed Total of what was already posted. You can now close the screen or continue to post payments.
If you had chosen to Post the Payment rather than Post and Close, you would see this EOB Entry screen:
From this screen, you can choose the next patient for which you want to post payments.
Once you choose your next patient, the process is the same.
If you do have to stop posting and need to go back to find the EOB you were working on, there are two ways to find it. In both, you go to Payments:
The first way to find the EOB is to search by the date of the EOB:
The second is to go to Find Unapplied Deposits to the left of the Payment List screen:
This will show a list of any unapplied payments. From either method, you can double-click the open EOB and the system will take you back to the Insurance Batch Payment Entry screen, where you can continue to distribute until all payments are applied.
If you have questions regarding this functionality of TotalMD, please contact our support or training departments at 800-613-7597 Option 2 for Support or Option 3 for Training. If you would like a printable copy of this article, please contact Training at Option 3.