The first part of secondary claims is making sure you have the secondary insurance information in the patient profile:
Once you verify that the information is available, charges have been entered, and the primary insurance has been billed, secondary claims can be created for printing or e-claims can be sent. The first thing you will do is find your claim in the claims list:
You will then choose Print Selected Claims or Send Selected E-Claims:
When you choose to print you will then get a drop-down to choose the Secondary Claim:
You will then get the option to Print:
When sending E-Claims, you will get a pop-up where you will choose the Secondary option:
You will also have an option of which clearinghouse to send them to, if you have more than one clearinghouse. Otherwise you will only see the one you typically use:
If you are using Practice Insight, click send claims and the claim will be sent to Practice Insight after you are given the choice to mark as printed:
The claim will then show Billed:
If you have questions regarding this functionality of TotalMD, please contact our support or training departments at 800-613-7597 Option 2 for Support or Option 3 for Training. If you would like a printable copy of this document, please contact the Training Department.