In TotalMD, there is a way to view a family Accounts Receivable without running a report, such as a ledger or a statement. From within the Patient Information screen, you can click on View Dashboard on the left-hand side of the screen:
The other way to get to the dashboard if from the Ledger, similarly, clicking the View Dashboard to the left:
Once you click View Dashboard from either screen, you will see the Family Dashboard with the family member that you were in their information listed at the top:
By clicking on any family member’s plus sign to the left, you will see their personal information, including each entry in the ledger and its status:
Toward the bottom, under the Total Balance tab, you have the ability to see the family information in several formats. The first is a pie chart that shows the family responsibility by patient in a colored format:
Under the Total Responsible Balance, you will see who is actually responsible for the charge:
The Aging tab will show you the total aging for the family in a bar graph:
You can also choose a patient within the family to see their balance by highlighting the particular family member at the top. You will then see a bar graph of their balances:
By clicking the Patient Responsible box, you will see what the patient, or in this case, the head of household is responsible for after insurance payments are received:
When you click the By Statement Date, you will see a bar graph of the charges by these dates:
you have highlighted at the top of the screen. You can also choose the date range for the charges:
By clicking the Show Family box, the entire family’s CPT charges and the number of procedures that were conducted:
To the right-hand side of the screen, you can see Family and the Individual Charges. The Individual Charges depend on the family member that is highlighted to the left:
Also, in this area, you can see Cancelled, Missed and the Next scheduled appointments:
By clicking on the number to the right of the type of appointment, it becomes a hyperlink to take you to the Missed/Cancelled Appointments:
In the lower-left hand corner of this screen, you can change the type of appointment shown in the screen:
By double-clicking on the appointment line, you will see the Change Reason Description:
You can change the reason at this time if you wish. To the right of these parts of the screen, you can also see any patient alerts:
If you have questions regarding this functionality of TotalMD, please contact our support or training departments at 800-613-7597 Option 2 for Support or Option 3 for Training. If you would like a printable copy of this article, please contact Training at Option 3.