There are many ways to enter payments in TotalMD.
Entering a Payment from the Scheduler
From the Scheduler, highlight the patent appointment and double-click on it:
You will then see the option to Enter Payment to the left:
You will then have the option to choose the Deposit Method (Cash, Check, Charge, etc.) and add a check number if appropriate:
Under Payment Code will be the codes that you have set up in your system:
If there is adjustment to be applied, you will choose this field as well:
In this screen you can also change the Provider if you wish:
Once you have done all of the dropdown menus, you will enter the Payment Amount and Today’s Payment to the correct charge or simply save changes after entering the Payment Amount if it is a new co-payment:
You will then close screen twice to return to the scheduler.
Creating a Payment from the Ledger
From the Ledger, if you want to create a quick payment you can click on New Patient Payment/Adj or New Insurance Payment/Adj:
The Patient Payment screen looks like this:
It is very similar to the screen we just saw. The Insurance screen looks like this:
You can see that the insurance is defaulted into the screen. If you also had secondary or tertiary claims, you could click on that insurance to the right and it would change in the screen to the left. In this screen you also put in the amount of the payment and the payment type and a note if you wish. You then click Distribute to the left and get this screen:
At this time, you can now distribute the payment for the patient. You can also mark it for follow up and add a previously created note:
You can then post or post and close the screen:
You will then see the posted payment:
In the Ledger you will see a new line item:
Another way to post an insurance payment is to go to Payments>New Payment:
You will then see the Batch Payment Entry screen:
The following fields would be filled out and them Save Changes:
You will them get a prompt to distribute the payment:
You will then see the EOB Entry screen:
Once you enter your amount, you can choose to add a Follow Up or Reject Note to this entry. You will then Post Payments or Post and Close to the left:
You can them choose another patient if you have more patients on this EOB and follow the same steps until you have posted the entire EOB:
You can also post an EOB through payments and either edit an existing EOB or add a new one:
Editing an Existing EOB will bring you to the Insurance Batch Payment Entry screen:
You will then Distribute the payment to the left:
Which brings you to the EOB Entry screen where you can choose patients:
Choosing to create a new EOB entry will bring you to the Insurance Batch Payment Entry screen:
After filling in the information, you will choose Save Changes or Distribute to the left. Save changes will prompt you to distribute, which brings you to the EOB Entry screen, where you will choose your patient:
The remaining steps are the same as above. The last way to post payments is to apply a remittance file you retrieve from a clearinghouse:
This will prompt you to either View TMD EDI list of available files if you are using eSolutions, or to Browse for local file if you are using another clearinghouse:
If you are using eSolutions, your files will be listed. If not, you will have to find where you saved the ERA on your computer. You will then see the ERA:
The lines that are white are ready to post, the ones that are red have issues and the ones that are blue were denied. You can now work this ERA.
If you have questions regarding this functionality of TotalMD, please contact our support or training departments at 800-613-7597 Option 2 for Support or Option 3 for Training. If you would like a printable copy of this article, please contact Training at Option 3.