In the Ledger there are both the family and individual balances displayed clearly for your use.
By going to the upper right-hand corner of the Ledger, you will see these totals:
In the left-hand box, you will see the charges for the current billing and any Adjustments or Payments that have been made, only on that billing:
In the upper left-hand box, you will see both the individual and family deductibles and remainders:
Below that, you will see the Total Patient balance to the left and the Family Balance to the right. This reflects the total that has been billed and unpaid for either case to both the insurance companies and the patient without payment. The bottom figure reflects the total Patient Responsibility and the total Family responsibility that the patient owes the practice:
If you have questions regarding this functionality of TotalMD, please contact our support or training departments at 800-613-7597 Option 2 for Support or Option 3 for Training. If you would like a printable copy of this article, please contact Training at Option 3.