TotalMD has two products that work in concert to obtain information from your patient prior to them even entering your office.
Document Center
The first part of this is Document Center. In Document Center, you can create many types of documents, which can be loaded into the Kiosk. Document Center has other uses as well. To access Document Center, go to the upper right-hand side of the screen and click on the file folder:
This will bring up the TotalMD Documenter Center screen, where you will choose your patient:
After you choose your patient, you will see a List of the Types of Documents available in your Document Center:
Under each Document Type, there will be different ways to get documents into a patient chart. In the Patient Letter, you can Add Patient Letter:
This will show you any documents that have been created for your use in Document Center. By clicking Edit at the bottom of a selected document, you will see the editable form:
You will notice the yellow fields in the document. By choosing this document, the patient’s information will automatically fill into these yellow fields. If you have the ability to capture a signature on a pad in your office, Document Center will allow you to add that to your form as well. There are many fields that you can add to your documents:
This is only a partial list. Once you have made your changes to the form, you will click File>Save and then File>Close to add this document to the patient chart:
You will then choose Use Selected at the bottom. If you had no corrections or changes to be made to the form, you can skip the edit step and go right to Use Selected:
Your form will now be filled in with the information that was in yellow, by pulling it from the patient demographics screen:
Once the form is in the system, if you have the capability, you can click on the Sign option and a box comes up that the patient can sign in:
Once you have clicked done a box that the doctor can countersign the form will appear and they can sign with their mouse or on the screen if you have a touch screen computer. After the doctor signs, they will click Done and the signatures will appear in the system:
Then you will click Save and the document is in the patient’s chart:
To the right of this part of the screen, is the option to Print if the patient would like a copy of the form:
You can also add a PDF from your computer by clicking Add From File:
This will show you your file finder and you can choose a document from there by highlighting the file and clicking Open:
Then you will see the patient name at the bottom along with the option to Compress the File if it large and then to Save to the bottom right:
Now you will see two documents in the Patient Letter file:
If you are interested in loading documents from your printer, Support can set up your system to do that:
Adding Signed Documents is the same as adding a Patient Letter, it just keeps the Signed Documents separate from other Patient Forms. Scanned Documents will allow you to scan a document into the patient chart. To use this feature, contact Support to set up your scanner. Image Files will allow you to pull in Images to the patient record.
If you have an ID card scanner, you can scan ID cards into this file. You can also add and delete categories by going to File>Program Preferences to the top left-hand corner of the box:
From the Device Set Up screen, you can Delete, Edit or add New Document Types to your Document Center. Under Options, you can change the format in which you collect signatures in the program:
Once you have made your changes in this screen, you will click Close to the top right-hand corner of the Device Set Up box.
As mentioned earlier Document Center and Kiosk work closely together. You will have an icon on your desktop to launch Kiosk Management Module:
After launching the program from the icon, you will see the Patient Registration Management screen:
To start your customization of the program, you will go to the gear at the top left-hand side of the box:
Once you click this icon, you will see Patient Registration Settings:
The first thing you will do is to Edit Custom Page:
This will bring you to the custom form that your patients will fill out on-line:
This form will be customized by your office to obtain the information necessary for your practice to register a patient. You can add or insert a line at any point in the form. To date, we have added close to 300 lines into this form with no issues. When you Add Line, you will receive several options as to what kind of information this line will gather on the form:
After choosing the type of question, simply add the information to the line. When you are finished editing the form, you can preview the form at the bottom:
When you have previewed the form and corrected it, you will click Save:
You can now choose which patients you wish to see this form on the Kiosk:
You can also choose to hide the pop up keyboard if you will be using a computer to do the kiosk. Using a tablet will require the keyboard to be functional:
The next option allows you to choose where to save this form:
You can then choose the number of insurance plans you want possible for them to fill out on the Kiosk:
The Signature Type is the next option:
The Online Settings are filled out by our Support team for you:
Under the Required Fields tab, you can choose which fields are necessary for the patient to fill out prior to closing the initial form by checking the boxes:
On the Hide Fields tab, you can omit fields that you do not want to show on the Kiosk:
The Alerts tab brings in all of the Alerts that you have in TotalMD into the Kiosk:
From this screen, you can Add and Remove Alerts from the Kiosk list.
In the Documents to Sign tab is where you add your forms from Document Center:
In this screen you Add and Remove Documents that are seen on the Patient Kiosk. You can also decide who sees the forms and whether or not they require a signature.
When you have finished all of your changes to this part of the Kiosk, you will want to Update the Web and then Click Save.
After you have updated the Kiosk, it might be wise to check the Patient Website to verify that it looks the way you want it to look by going to the link provided to you by the Support team at the time of set up. The first page your patients see is the Patient Registration screen. This is decided by the required and hidden fields that you choose in the Management piece of Kiosk:
Anything that appears in yellow is a required field. If the patient tries to go further in the sign up without filling in these fields, they will receive a warning:
When the patient has entered all of the required information, they can continue to the next screen:
If the Patient is responsible, it will allow them to continue to the next screen. If not, there will be additional fields that they will need to fill out. In the Insurance information screen, they can choose who the subscriber to the insurance is:
If they choose the Patient as the Subscriber, they will see this screen:
If someone else is the Subscriber, they have to fill in more information:
The next screen is Conditions and Alerts:
If any of these fields was marked as mandatory in the Management screen, they will appear in a yellow box and must be answered prior to continuing to the next screen. If the patient chooses, they can select No to All and then answer Yes to only those that apply to them, cutting down on mouse-clicks.
The next screen is the Custom Form that was created in the Management screen:
The patient will work through the form and then click Continue at the bottom. The next few screens will be the documents that you added to the Management screen. At the bottom, if required, the patient will have to sign the form prior to going on to the next form. At this time, the patient can Submit their information:
Going back to the Management screen, you will now click Download Web Registrations to retrieve the patient information:
You will then see any new registrations in your screen:
You can double-click to see the information in a raw format:
By clicking Save to TotalMD, you will be able to Create a New Patient or Select Patient to update their record:
You will then have several screens where you can review what the patient entered on the Kiosk screens. You can accept all, uncheck fields you do not wish to accept and edit the responses from this screen. You will then click Accept All and Next.
In the Primary Insurance tab, you will be able to Create a New Insurance Plan or Choose an Insurance Plan on File:
You will then Accept All and click Next. The next screen is the Medical Conditions and Alerts. Anything that the patient answered Yes to will appear in yellow:
After clicking next in this screen, you will receive an Update screen with warnings:
You will then receive a message that the data import was completed:
Your new patient is now in TotalMD, or the existing patient has been updated:
If you have questions regarding this functionality of TotalMD, please contact our support or training departments at 800-613-7597 Option 2 for Support or Option 3 for Training. If you would like a printable copy of this article, please contact Training at Option 3.