TotalMD has the ability to customize Superbills in several different ways, enabling you to have exactly what you want to print for your patients.
To actually create the basis for the report, you can customize that, however, depending on how computer literate you are, you may want some help from our support team to do this. By going to Reports>All and searching for Superbill, you will find the existing Superbills in your system:
By going to the left, you can Edit Report:
You can then edit the report as you wish:
This may be a bit much for you to take on, so if your Superbill is not showing something you want to see, please call our Support team at 800-613-7597 Option 2. If there is a small change you want made, they can assist you with this. If there are a lot revisions to the report, there could be a charge for the work.
The other way to make changes to what you see on your Superbill is within Lists>Service Code List.
From this screen, you will choose the CPT code that you wish to have in a certain category on your Superbill. To add several codes to a COVID section on the Superbill, you would first choose the code that you wish to appear in that section and double-click it:
Within the Service Code Entry screen, there is a Superbill Group drop down. At this time, there is not a COVID group. To add a group, you simply type the name in the box:
Then, Save Changes to the left:
You will then find the other codes that you wish to group on the Superbill. You will then go to the Scheduler:
To print a Superbill, you can choose a patient and then go to the left and Print Superbill Form:
This will bring up the pop up that will allow you to choose the report you wish to run:
You will then see the Superbill that you chose, including the new grouping you just created:
If you wish to print a group of superbills for the day, you can go to the right from within the Scheduler and choose Print Today’s Superbills:
This will again allow you to choose the Superbill you wish to use:
You will then get a dialogue box where you can make some choices:
Once you make your selections and hit OK, you will have a batch of Superbills that you can see on the screen one at a time. The arrows at the upper left will enable you to navigate among them:
Once you are ready, you can print to the left of that:
You will then get a print management screen:
If you have questions regarding this functionality of TotalMD, please contact our support or training departments at 800-613-7597 Option 2 for Support or Option 3 for Training. If you would like a printable copy of this article, please contact Training at Option 3.